
Daily Fantasy Soccer (2013 - 2014)

Sporty Systems - Sports Car

Daily Fantasy Soccer (2013 - 2014)

Dedicated to The 2014 FIFA World Cup


To develop a web-based system with a responsive interface and 2 native mobile applications - iOS and Android - before the beginning of the 2014 World Cup.
We developed a stable version of the system before the end of the Champions League and tested it on the final 3 games, semifinals, and final (during these games the first few hundred users joined).
Monitored the system’s performance during the live games of the World Cup, fine-tuned it on the fly. It attracted 5000+ users during the first 10 days of the World Cup and continued growing further.


We managed to release on time, provided the needed support during the first few weeks, and made sure the system didn’t crash once during the World Cup. Managed to fix the data feed processing following a few unpredicted issues.
The system continued growing after the World Cup and started running contests for the European Soccer Leagues.


stats.com. Payment processing: PayPal.

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